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Overall Gambling Overhaul


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Okay. This is a big, big plan to thoroughly overhaul the gambling in New Vegas. Unfortunately, I lack the skills and knowhow to make this all happen, but hopefully someone else would.



  • Adjusting Minimum and Maximum Limits Based On Current Casino

Realistically speaking, a nicer casino means a higher limit, or, potentially with the Ultra-Luxe, NO limit. But, Gommorah? Probably a bit of a limit. Atomic Wrangler? LOW limit, considering where it is. Example numbers: Wrangler, Primm Casino Bet range at 1 to 200 chips, (Current.) Gomorrah Bet range at 5 to 500 chips, Tops Bet range at 10 to 1000 chips, Ultra Luxe range 25 to 1500+


A mod already exists currently raises the maximum limits, but...


  • Adjusting Win Limit Based On Current Casino


This is already in the game, but probably would have to be adjusted if above suggestion is used. Meaning you don't get "backed off" soon.


  • "Heat" Level Changes


This is what I think would be the most tricky, but would add some serious depth to the gambling system.

Currently, there's a hard limit to how much you can win at a given casino before they give you the 'ol heave-ho. While this certainly happens in reality, it tends to only happen if you're winning too much at one time. Suppose, however, that you win, oh, a nice 1500 chips, and call it a day. You go about your wasteland business, a few in-game days pass, and you want to head back to the casino. They'll still remember your win, but days have gone by, and its on record of being, say, only a 1200 chip win. Your "earnings" would decrease some over time, and, should you have the patience, you're back to square one, meaning, your win isn't in recent memory, and you'll have a better long-term money gain capability.


But say you need a lot of caps and you need 'em now, and you get backed off. This normally would mean you can't gamble anymore, but hey, if this is how you make your living, you'll find a way around, right? Should there be a way to change your appearance, (and we all know it'll come due to the awesome mod community!) Bingo! You're an entirely new person, unknown to the casino as a threat to their pockets!


I realize this is probably a difficult task to undertake, so if anyone wants to tackle it, please go right ahead. I have faith in the capability of the modding community to make this happen.

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