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Interiors not rendering in GECKS


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Hey everyone. Figured I'd hop on the F:NV mod scene since I haven't modded since Oblivion. I have a question about the F:NV GECKS, or maybe it's a glitch. Is there a reason certain interiors aren't rendering correctly for me? I went to do a few bug fixes but when I opened the Mojave Outpost Headquarters, all I get is a grayish green background and some of the objects that are supposed to be there. Am I opening the wrong area? If someone wouldn't mind opening to check to see if it's just user stupidity on my part, I'd appreciate it.




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Try hitting the a key a couple of times to toggle the lights. Sometimes that works for me.

It's possible your window is just centered on an empty part of the cel, but i doubt that from your screenshot. Still you could try zooming out and see if what you're expecting is just off your screen.

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Try hitting the a key a couple of times to toggle the lights. Sometimes that works for me.

It's possible your window is just centered on an empty part of the cel, but i doubt that from your screenshot. Still you could try zooming out and see if what you're expecting is just off your screen.


Thanks for the reply. I tried the lighting and tried moving the camera around, but no luck. There are a few other cells that I've encountered that do this. I'm not sure if it is my system (which I'd hope not, but I do have a gtx 200 series which has been having issues). If anyone wouldn't mind checking to see if Mojave Outpost Headquarters opens in their GECK I'd be very appreciative.

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To make it easier here my solution I mentioned in the Bethsoft thread:


The Roomboundmarkers stop the rendering in GECK.


Here a way to edit the cells. Not perfect but it works.


Open the cell and the 'Show/Hide' shortcut window

Enable 'Portal & Rooms'

Take a note how the Roommarker and the Portals are placed (Position x,y,z & Rotation)

After you have all coordinates of them select them and move them out of the way so that these marker doesn't cover the hidden area anymore.

Save your esp & leave Geck.

Open Geck again with your esp.

Make the changes to your cell. The 'hidden' areas are now visible.

After this is done set all Roommarkes and Portals back to their original position.


There should be a easier way to disable these 'No Render' areas but I haven't found anything in the WIKI or in the shortcuts.

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