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The Architect companion/certain animations


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Hello :3 Since I am noob in DAtoolset, I decided to ask here, maybe someone will have time for my little, useless to anyone else request ;)

Friend of mine would like to create music video with Architect, BUT, here comes the problem, to suit the original idea, it needs few things:

a) him being in camp/as companion/being able to talk or something like that to AND

b) give him script in conversation to trigger cutscenes like kiss and hugs (no sex scenes, thanks to Andraste)

and eventually

c) I'm not an expert, but I guess also making him a little shorter to not crush the animations, correct me if I'm wrong


I wouldn't ask for it if I didn't try by myself earlier. As I said, I'm noob, and all I could do was Alistair (I was trying to be tricky and changed his appearance with Architect's...I fail badly) with curved arms, sometimes with Architect's body, with Anora's (X_X) head inside his stomach (!) instead of his own on its place.


If anyone had time and will to try, I'd be more than greatful :)




P.S Sorry for language mistakes ^^;

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