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Rat mutation


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Basically a mutation that changes the player into a anthro rat with glowing red eyes. It would make some sort of sense, rats are scavengers and tha would fit the fallout feel. One time permanent transformaton or alternaing forms. Maybe someone can expand on this idea in the future, but mainly I'm just looking for the permanent transformation into an anthro rat mutation aspect. Therefore this mod may classify as a race mod, that's cool, I'd like to be able to wear clothes and weild weapons as normal anyway. As long as the anthro rat design on question looks like a dungeons and dragons wererat, I'm fine, any modder who picks up this request can take liberties with the design as long as it looks like a wererat or anthro rat.


Hopefully this may also help spread the idea about anthro or beast races in fallout as there are very few out there.

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