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Unarmed Power Attack -> Resident Evil Melee Attack


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Hello, everyone. I would like to request a mod that makes your unarmed attack into those melee attack possessed by Albert Wesker in Resident Evil 4 (if you don't know, you could watch his moves here

starting at minute 3:48). I love the way he executed his Thrust Punch move, and think that it would be a great addition in Skyrim. I haven't thought about the the other power attack and dual power attack, though. Perhaps we could use Chikyo Chagi and some other moves to fill it.


For your information, I've tried Martial Arts mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9421/? by evanoblivion and Unarmed Warfare mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50416/ by WarriorKeKe. Although it was fun, it's still not enough for me, and I'm still looking for more fun mod out there.


Thanks for the help.

Edited by crucifixzero
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