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Easy request for the modding gods: AntAgonizer gear...


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So basically I loved played through FO3 as the AntAgonizer. As Fallout: New Vegas is here I'm hoping someone in this fantastic community will indulge me....


1.) Porting over the Antagonizer gear (armor and helmet)


2.) Port over this mod (which upgrades the armor, adds a perk, and has the helmet make the player part of the ant faction... its only a 3kb mod) - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4285


3.) Make the gear part of the initial gear given (like the pre-order packs) along with a small note from Hubris Comics to 'the employee' slatted to wear the AntAgonizer armor at a promotional event for the launch of the 'Rise of The AntAgonizer Corps!' (little nod to DC Blackest Night haha) comic.


I know for anyone who can mod it'd be really simple. I can't. I have no clue how, can't wrap my head around G.E.C.K, I work, and I'm finishing a B.A as a full time student. I have no aptitude or time. So as a lowly gaming mortal I beseech one of you modding gods of the all mighty nexus to help me with my humble request.


Thanks in advance!




Read this bit only if your curious about the logic of AntAgonizer gear in FO:NV -


Basically, the promotional events never happen due to the war and the promo armor (like everything else) is just salvage. It works for realism, explains how there could be sets in Vegas and Washington (promo events at different shops / cons, etc.) and also solves the mystery of how the OG AntAgonizer managed to make the costume when she was living in a hovel eating people: she looted promo armor from where she sent her letter - Hubris Comics. Finally, as The Courier, the player is shot and left for dead in the dirt. Being patched up and sent out with super hero / villain gear to solve the crime and avenge you 'murder' is pretty standard comic book vendetta stuff :) ...

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I get the idea behind not porting over game content from a separate game entity (i.e porting Obivion gear / npcs / cities / mobs) as its a significant reuse of Bethesda property out of context. In this case however, lets be real: New Vegas directly ports over a great deal of content from Fallout 3 already. I know that New Vegas isn't a sequel cannon wise but, it ports in FO3 AND FO2 creative elements on its own.


I really doubt that if you replaced the NV plasma pistol texture with the FO3 plasma pistol texture (if theres even a minor difference) Bethesda would roll out the legal team lol :)


If theres already a reference to the AntAgonizer in the FO:NV G.E.C.K (even if its just a partial texture re-use on a different set of gear) then isn't that already setting an inclusion precedent specifically in this case? Adding the AntAgonizer gear would only finishing a partial process already undertaken by Bethesda (especially considering its only two pieces of gear and not being claimed as original work).


I figured it'd just be a matter of extracting the FO3 textures / meshes, putting them into a FO:NV directory as a gear mod, and placing them in the starting gear selection. If you can convert F03 mods without issue, if the game ports content on its own already, and if even a partial texture is referenced already in NV G.E.C.K it doesn't seem like a huge policy breach.


I still really appreciate the consideration and exploration. If I knew how I'd do it myself but, I've litterally got no clue. lol


Still hopeful though. Thanks!!



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