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Constant CTDs occurring in certain areas of Skyrim


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So, I've been having an issue with my game crashing to desktop, and I can't tell if there is a certain reason for this.
At first it seemed like it was something that happened near Whiterun. If I was in the proximity of the city, the game had a chance of crashing. Sometimes it would crash there a lot, but other times it would only happen after a while. I noticed that my game almost never crashed in the area from Riverwood to Lake Ilinata (where the game starts out). I noticed that my game was crashing

1. getting into, out of, or near cities. Also exiting buildings like inns/stores/homes and into cities

2. in areas with a lot of activity (multiple random encounters, dragons everywhere, etc.)

3. whenever I fast travelled

I also noticed that it never crashed in areas where generally nothing happens (falkreath hold seems to be crash free).

Based on this, I assumed that my game crashes near high activity areas.


My most recent crashes occurred near Windhelm, so I think it's definitely a city/activity thing. I couldn't get near the city from Morvunskar. The closest I could get was a Talos shrine before the game crashed. I used "coc" to enter candlehearth hall, and tried to exit. It crashed every time. I reloaded my game and disabled "save on travel" to see if that would fix it. I could now exit the building, but the game was clearly struggling to work. Sunlight was clipping, the framerate went bad, etc.

I am using mods, but none of them are really major. They're mostly armor/clothing type mods.
Here's a full list of everything I have installed







The unofficial patches for each of them

Game of thrones Armor mod


A series of armor mods that are individual sets from the immersive armor pack

-baratheon armor

-viking armor



-redguard knight



-dragon knight

-hedge knight

-akaviri samurai

-dragonhide robe and armor


Unique Uniques

Oblivion gates

private singular quivers (so arrows can match armor visually)

books books books (adds books from previous games)

read and learn speechcraft

weapons of the 3rd era

the one ring mod

more interesting loot

lost longswords

left hand rings

legendary smithing upgrades

Stormcloak Cuirass enhanced

Perfect legionnaire

Daedric lord armor

Lore based loading screens

Quest markers for the stones of barenziah

Cloaks of Skyrim

bandoliers mod


I occasionally had other mods added but removed them because some were unnecessary/possibly problematic. But like I said, most of my mods are just for items like armor/weapons.

Anyone know what the issue could be?

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i had the problem i had alot of animals and creatures mods , they use a spawning system sometimes when i cam across a spawn it crashes. if you use mods like skyrim immersive creatures skymo skyrim monster just mods that add animals creatures to the game can cause that problem

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Alright guys, I've basically figured out that SKSE is most likely the problem here.

I can load a new game without SKSE easily, but when I try a new game with SKSE the game crashes, without fail, on Ralof's first line. The second he says "horse thief" I get a CTD.

No idea why this happens, but it happens.

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