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Deadly Reflex Bug with respawning npcs


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Hey all,

I got a little Problem.

I have two mods where some npcs respawn. And they always look the same when they respawn. So there isnt the dead body taken away and another person respawns. The SAME guy who dies respawns again. And that makes a little problem when you cut those guys in half or cut their head of.

The lost bodypart respawn as an own npc. But not as an evil one. For example you cut an Blackbowbandit of "Feudal Empire mod" in half, his upper body will respan as a fully armed blackbowbandit (as it should) the legs respawn as a naked not evil blackbowbandit that sometimes even can´t die (f.e. arrows just fly through them).


Is there a way to let the not-evil and naked guys who shouldnt be there disappear? I kill them with the console but they respawn again then.


And I even tried to deactivate the mod and activate it again... It´s not possible... Cuz when I load the savegame without the mods that happened it to, the game crashes to desktop.


So is there a colsole command to let npcs dissapear without comeback?

Or to teleport them somewhere where you wont see them?




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yes, there is such a command

just click on the NPC and write "disable"

i think this should do the trick :)


And once again you helped :D

THX! I´ll try emetiatly...


Don´t know if emetiatly is right spelled^^ (I think not)

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i think you meant "immediately"

no problem, i'm glad to help people out

i'm almost sure this command will do the trick, just be careful about disabling anything else, as it might be really problematic


it works :)


Yeah sure^^ don´t worry I only use it for those naked and non-evil enemys and not for npcs who SHOULD be there :D

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