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100% Accurate weapons


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All projectile and energy weapons are 100% accurate. The bullet/beam/grenade goes exactly where the sights are pointing, irrespective of skill level, auto-aim, or any other digital dice-rolling. If I get someone's head in the crosshair and pull the trigger I want to see it explode, not for the bullet to go flying off in a different direction because I haven't put enough points into my gun skill.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheated a bit :


increased guns and energy weapon skills to the max using the console:


player.setav "skill" 100


and a mod called "no-auto aim" to remove random jitter


Now most of my weapons are accurate; sniper-rifle accurate :) . Well, all of the manual/lever/semi-auto ones are. I'm still having difficulty with automatic weapons which still scatter shots all over the place. Can anyone help?

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No weapon is 100% accurate...


Realistically you can't hit same spot twice even with sniper rifle when 2 shots are fired right after another. And why you would want take recoil off from automatic weapons?


Well if you want to cheat, or can't hit targets without VATS or when they are moving from far away then this kind of mod should be done


I can't myself understand why would anyone want all bullets to hit same spot every time.

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You do realize, that the bullets hit slightly up and to the right of the center of the scope/iron sight, right?


While aiming, push F twice (while still aiming) this will bring up the crosshair while in ironsight, and will show you where your bullet will hit.

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