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Desperate for the Toolset


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I tried to install the Toolset very hard, following many guides on Internet but always without success.

The problem is always the same, typical of the Toolset "unable to connect to database".


I have a laptop, 32 bit, windows 7... Can someone help me please? :confused:

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Toolset 1.01 installed for me without issue, but... not the first, second, or third time I tried. :laugh:


The problem was that I was too impatient. There's that point when a command prompt window opens and the cursor just seems to sit there blinking and nothing's happening. I always presumed that it was "stuck", and would exit out just to close that window. Turns out, No. Just wait, and after establishing/finding all the pieces it's supposed to, that window closes on its own. :blush:


When I finally decided to go get a cuppa while that was going on, the installation went through! :wink:

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dang...I must have been lucky. The toolset went on smooth as silk for me the first time. Maybe it works better for different OS's. I use Vista Ultimate 32bit. I do have a pretty adequate machine core as well....quad core Phenom II 3.4 per core and DDR3 1333 RAM. I am also using the store bought disk, not a DD or Steam version.
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