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GECK will not save scripts


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When I create a new script, GECK puts a nameless placeholder in the scripts list. When I click the save button or save from the drop-down, however, nothing happens. If I close the window, it asks me if I wan to save the current script but makes a point that "Current = ". It seems like it has no clue what to name the script or how. I've used both ScriptName and scn with the same results. Am I just being a bonehead?
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annoying... will try again.



EDIT: Yep, That was the problem. Not very intuitive to learn the inner workings of a picky engine with a tool that just laughs at you when you've made a mistake -_-


sorry i didnt catch that what was the solution? im having the same problem trying to save a custom script for this companion im making. . . really frustrating. sry im kind of a noob "not compile-able"? ive tried recompiling all the scripts but i still end up with a blank one that wont save

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Yep Im having the same problem...


Half a solution to find your errors in your script could be to write the same script in the FO3 Geck, and hit save.. Any errors will then show up..


Where Im stuck is even though it tells me error on line 11, all I have done is used a script from a mod in FO3, and changed the naming convention to suit my mod.. so I cant see where the error is..

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There is a fix for NV Geck regarding the issue of script errors not showing up.


1.) Download the zip "ScriptError1.zip" attached to this post


2.) Unzip and place the files (NVGeckExt.dll and NVGeckLoader.exe) in your NV root folder (not data or anything else..)


3.) Launch GECK through the "NVGeckLoader.exe"


4.) Enjoy your errors again. :)

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