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Lucy Heartfilia clothes


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At the beginning I want to apologize - my English is NOT very rich...





I searched the Internet for Lucy Heartfilia's clothes. I attempted 3 times with the same result - there is no Fairy Tail's member's clothes in the Internet (excluding Oblivion version of course).


So I'm here to ask you to make a mod which adds Lucy's clothes like those:







or like those:








*Here I point out - on the second picture her shirt is open and it must be open in the game (CBBE is recommended btw)*

*Another point: boots, skirt and shirt must be individual parts*

*Sliders for CBBE are always welcome*



I know there's someone who can cope with this mod. If there really is - I will adore him to the end of his life. :D

I don't care about which clothes will you make (but I'll be glad if you make both), because both are great!


If you have any questions about... idk, anything - just ask.


oh! and if some1 could remodel osare's bikini to look more liike this: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/048/6/c/fairy_tail___omg_by_maddog05-d76vniw.png !


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