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Bow and Arrow / Crossbow


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Been playing a little too much TF2 and have been having fun with the Huntsman Bow. I was wondering if anyone could take on the task of making a bow and arrow weapon. The arrows would stick into their targets, maybe could be recollected(if possible), and if the target is close to the wall, they can be pinned to it if it is a killer shot.


Doesn't need to be a port or anything, just would like that type of weapon to play around with. If possible, also a crossbow variant. It would be more powerful and have a scope for longer ranges. Perhaps same effects, or the bolt could penetrate multiple targets.



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Oblivion has bows and F3, FNV are on the same engine as oblivion so it is possible and I would like to see bow in fallout games, it has sense. In world where ammo is not so common then bow and arrows could be good choice :) with mod that makes ammo not so common.
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Crossbow would be nice. And the clip wouldn't be too bad as Van Helsing (2004) had a crossbow which had drum magazine for the bolts.


I hope very much that some modder can do this. Besides modern crossbow looks better than those which were used around 1300-1500 AD.

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