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XCOM Long War Random Freezes


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Long War is a great mod, but I have had problems in that it freezes at various points in the game, with no real pattern that I can see. All I have noticed is it freezes 100% of the time when in map view watching the Skyranger return from a mission, maybe 50% of the time at turn start, and occasionally when one of my soldiers takes a shot. It sometimes fixes itself if I wait maybe a minute to a minute and a half, but sometimes it doesn't, and I lost a good soldier recently because I had to force quit and reload and things didn't play out like they did before. This computer is easily capable of running XCOM and I never had a problem before I installed LW. I'm currenly in the process of reinstalling the entire game.


I am using Ironman, on Normal Difficulty.

Edited by Aiseus
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