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Random jumps (lag)


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Hello forum community, I don't usually use these sort of things I've always been able to fix the problem Via YouTube or a quick Google but I'm at a loss for this. Below are my system specs


GPU GeForce GTX 780

CPU AMD FX*832 Eight core Processor 3.5GHz

16 GB ram

running windows 7 64bit


I know the above are more than enough to run Skyrim ten times over, but recently a problem has occurred, whenever I am in the main world i.e not in a dungon, city, any sort of building or cave the game just jumps (like a really heavy lag spike) for less than half a second then works fine for a couple of minutes then it will do it again and keeps doing it randomly.


I know its not a serious problem but my god it's annoying. I do have mods installed but before you can say that it's one of them I reset my Data folder (Steam apps, Skyrim, Data) to before any mods were installed sort of like "factory settings". Then I started a new game with the lowest settings (I didn't know graphics like that still existed, gave me a frickin headache) problem still occurs. The game is still playable but it is a little annoying when your travelling in the world to your next quest and it randomly jumps, just takes you out of the experience.



Any sort of help would be appreciated


Thank you



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It sounds like the background loading of cells as you travel is taking longer than usual. Watch for hard drive activity at the pauses. General advice includes defragment the hard drive, make sure your anti-virus programs aren't trying to process BSA and ESP files, make sure other background processes aren't using the hard drive, run a diagnostic to see if your hard drive is getting read to fail, etc.
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I had the same problem. You need to assign more memory to your game and scripts. Search around I can't remember where I found all of mine but allocating memory did fix it for me. Here are some of the ones I used. Not sure which ones fixed it but this will at least give you something to search for:


In Skyrim.ini

Under General

iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=307200 (This is for the scripts)

Under Papyrus

iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2147483647 (This might be the same one)


Under data/skse make an ini file called SKSE.ini and add this:

Again I am not 100% sure if this was all of it, but those are good to have anyways. Also if you had the nvidia control panel shadow thing enabled turn it off, I didn't notice right away but that gave me issues too.
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Nope just tried the defrag method it is still there it took three hours to defrag though so thats was needed lol. I have been asking around on chat and other websites too everyone has suggested to tweak the .ini file and the uGridsToLoad? cant seem to find that , will keep looking. I will try that little tweak above thank you Hullo

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I might be doing a noobie thing here but I cant find

Under General

iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=307200 (This is for the scripts)

Under Papyrus

iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2147483647 (This might be the same one)

All I have is below

uExterior Cell Buffer=36
SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa
And that is directly ctr+c and ctr+v from the document. I have two skyrim docs like that one in my documents and one in the steam apps folder I did check both but still nothing?
Gonna try
In skse.ini
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Right I think I found a temp solution to this annoying little glitch. I reduced the draw distances for grass, people and objects etc which can be found in the games in built settings. I ran from Riverwood to Whiterun and back again - no small jumps. The only thing was a 2fps loss running back into Riverwood for five-ish seconds then it self corrected.


My god that took for every to fix I simply couldn't play on it with those jumps really annoying.


Thank you all for your help I hope you wont have to use my crappy solution in the future, but there it is if you need to use it.


case - sort of closed


Sword ;P

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You will need to add those settings under your documents folder's skyrim.ini file. If you do not have that attribute you need to add it. Also do not use ugrids it will only make it worse and it is unstable. It just increases your drawing distance. You can also add that under general. But be warned, I tried even the "stable" 7 and it was still buggy. Rather not use it at all.

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The "iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes" setting should not be raised. That would result in lowering system performance since it would allow the Papyrus scripting system to consume more memory. That would then limit what is available to the rest of the game for graphics, AI, etc.


Unless you know with 100% certainty that you have a scripting problem, you should not be touching any of the settings in the Papyrus section. Every setting in that section is a performance killer if tweaked incorrectly. And what constitutes a correct tweak varies from system to system and even from one stage of the game to another.

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