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[Req] Realistic Weapon Reloading


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Is it possible to slown down the insane weapon reloading in this game? I mean it's redicolous how fast the player can reload an assault rifle.


Also is it possible to make the weapons more realistic? Like when they reload it's like in reality (slow) and you cock the hammer/check the slider etc.


Is it possible to check magaizines instead of using a digital number?


Is this possible at all :)



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i think that there is an option to slow the reloading of a weapon

there should be such an option when you edit the weapon in the GECK


now, about making the reload more realistic, that would mean to re-make all the reload animations (or all the ones that need changing) and it would also mean that you have to animate the weapon itself, to have the parts moving

that is quite a big deal to do, and could take a huge amount of time and effort, and i'm not sure that it will be worth it, in the end

i can't do such a thing, it's way too much for me, but if someone decides to do so, than i would love to see the results


now, i'm not sure what your last question was about

do you want to reload magazines and not rounds??

to tell you the truth, i have no idea if this is possible

can't remember if i ever saw that done, and i'm sure that this is also quite a project to take


i hope you understand that this is just my opinion on what little i know

so what i say doesn't have to be the truth

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i think that there is an option to slow the reloading of a weapon

there should be such an option when you edit the weapon in the GECK


now, about making the reload more realistic, that would mean to re-make all the reload animations (or all the ones that need changing) and it would also mean that you have to animate the weapon itself, to have the parts moving

that is quite a big deal to do, and could take a huge amount of time and effort, and i'm not sure that it will be worth it, in the end

i can't do such a thing, it's way too much for me, but if someone decides to do so, than i would love to see the results


now, i'm not sure what your last question was about

do you want to reload magazines and not rounds??

to tell you the truth, i have no idea if this is possible

can't remember if i ever saw that done, and i'm sure that this is also quite a project to take


i hope you understand that this is just my opinion on what little i know

so what i say doesn't have to be the truth


Thanks for the reply :)


Yeah I figuered as much regarding the animations. By magazine I simply meant instead of checking the HUD on how much bullets are remaining you'd eject the magazine instead and visually confirm just like real life.


It's such a shame there's only a handful games that really cares on proper weapon management.



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I posted similar request :) I am gun nuts so I was annoyed about reloading speed. I also like realism so magazine checking would be awesome instead of bullet count on hud but developers dont care cuz they are doing games for casual gamers/kiddies so we must suffer because of them :/


I tried to mod reloading speed but weird things happens, there are fire speed, reload time and jam time and when Im adjusting multipliers (only those are modable then values for reloading and jaming increases decreases) then only animations after firing are slowed down so it must be possible to slow down reload animation too. There is perk for making reloading even FASTER by 25% (INSANE) so it meas that there is way to slow down animations but I didnt find any help on forum and in chat room :(

As for mag change it is different story, someone must do new animations in 3Dmax and make script to use in game so when specified button is pressed then this new animation would be loaded and player can see on magazines how many bullets left but some weapons dont have holes ect. to check how many bullets left. But even for jam there should be some button to unjam gun, and not automatic unjaming after reload :/ Also I hate auto reloading in fpp games :/ (eye zoom too but I manage to disable it in my mod)


I hope someone will help us to slow down this ridiculously fast gun reloading.

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well, that is true, there is a perk doing just that

in fact, why don't you try to find how this perk works??

i'm sure that there is a way to find how this perk works, and them create an opposite effect


now, these games are not meant for kiddies or anything, and you don't have to suffer for any reason

the fact is, you buy and find bullets, not magazines

so it would be really hard to do, since you can fire a weapon with only half a magazine......

anyhow, you seem to forget another thing

you are playing a survivor in a destroyed world, not a soldier in the US army (or whatever branch you prefer)

your character shouldn't behave like a soldier, because it isn't one

so forcing us to use systems like magazine checks and all would just be a disappointment, and a waste of time


besides, why don't you think about how good the game is, instead of how many problems you have with it??

enjoy it, as it was made

than mod the hell out of it :biggrin:

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"By magazine I simply meant instead of checking the HUD on how much bullets are remaining you'd eject the magazine instead and visually confirm just like real life."


You know how how many rounds you loaded into the magazine, you know how many rounds you've fired and you know if you've ejected any rounds, so why would you need to check how many rounds are in the magazine?

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I got solution for reloading problem. Her is link to my post about reloading issue






you are playing a survivor in a destroyed world, not a soldier in the US army (or whatever branch you prefer)

your character shouldn't behave like a soldier, because it isn't one

so forcing us to use systems like magazine checks and all would just be a disappointment, and a waste of time

than mod the hell out of it :biggrin:

Yes it is survival game but with proper mods that tweaks realism. Checking mags is not done only by soldiers, come one think. Every one who uses guns somehow must check how many bullets left if they dont want just to fire all bullets and reload when they want to continue but in combat ANY combat not only military combat, person who wants to jump out from cover and shoot at enemy must know how many bullets he haw in mag. He will not jump and fire 1 bullet to be surprised that gun after that is empty and be in bad situation besides making fool of himself. And of course there is no such thing as in eye bullet count as it is shown in dum.. KHEM I mean modern games for simple players. All games which are showing things from real life should be as much realistic as it could be but of course many simple players would not play this realistic games cuz they would be to hard for them so if game developers would be smart (sadly they are not) they would implement in game instead of choice between easy, normal, hard modes they implement something like Arcade mode and realistic mode then difficulty level and in that realistic mode they would implement realistic reloading, mag checking ect. for people that know what weapons are instead to those half brain kids who just want to press button and that something on screen makes BOOM and person who was on their crosshair is dead. But developers are LAZY and they are doing games for lazy players, that way they dont need to overwork themselves and they making easy money. They dont care about us real players who like challenge not only by hard mode which makes enemy more accurate and has more HP but with as much detail from real life as it is possible. But real players are about only 10% of game industry so they just dont care about us :/


besides, why don't you think about how good the game is, instead of how many problems you have with it??

enjoy it, as it was made

No its not possible for me to get full satisfaction from game that lacks very much aspect of immersion. I like fallout climate, post apocalyptic world and I like this game engine which makes possible that (not all) npsc go to sleep they eat ect. And I like character development it makes immersion for me but fallout is simplified (dumbed down) so without mods it is hard to me to play and get satisfaction. Im making mods and downloaded already some that will make this game fully playable for me :]

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well Cosm1cGam3r, i'm sorry that you feel like the game is against you, and like you are an awesome gamer and we all art really bad gamers (at least that's what i understood from what you said) but i think i know why they really couldn't do the whole magazine reload idea

think about it, in all the Fallout games (at least, as far as i know) there have been laser and plasma weapons

and it wouldn't be a Fallout game without them, right??

now tell me, how can you check how many rounds are left inside an energy weapons' magazine??

i'm pretty sure you can't do that

and they couldn't make two unique loading systems for the weapons......


now of course, the game isn't as realistic as you might want it to be, but it's not meant to be realistic

it's meant to be a fun game, and a game you can modify for your own fun


of course there are really serious shooting games, but i have yet to see a truly realistic game, because i'm pretty sure you can't make a truly realistic game

but the thing about Fallout is that no matter what you do, you can always find another way to go, and you can play this game as many times as you want

that's what Fallout is about, at least in my opinion, it's about playing as you want to play, and discover new ways of playing


there is also one more point that i would like to make here

this is a game that is meant to be sold to the entire world

so no matter what they'll do, someone won't like it

and as good as the GECK is, it's not perfect, and not everything could be done

but they have given us the tools to make this game into our own perfect game, or as close as it can be to it

so if you really don't enjoy the game, just learn how to mod, and make it what you like

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now tell me, how can you check how many rounds are left inside an energy weapons' magazine??

i'm pretty sure you can't do that

please dont be ridiculous... Are you serious about that question ?! o_O

Look at your cell phone and there is your answer to your silly question about :energy weapon"


now of course, the game isn't as realistic as you might want it to be, but it's not meant to be realistic

it's meant to be a fun game, and a game you can modify for your own fun

There is to much games "for fun" as I mentioned earlier. You got fun WE dont! I mean gamers that needs something more to be pleased. Im sorry for you guys that you are happy about simple things Im not like you so is that a reason that I must suffer because of your simple needs?

of course there are really serious shooting games, but i have yet to see a truly realistic game, because i'm pretty sure you can't make a truly realistic game

but the thing about Fallout is that no matter what you do, you can always find another way to go, and you can play this game as many times as you want

that's what Fallout is about, at least in my opinion, it's about playing as you want to play, and discover new ways of playing

I love sand box games thats the one of reasons why I like fallout series and rpg games.

Realism of items ect. can be done in games. Some of them needs powerful pc but weapon mechanics and bullet ballistics are not so difficult to do on pc. See stalker for example, I moded it and it has one of best ballistics that i experienced.

Even car physics/crash can be done on computer and maybe in next 10 years that will be added fully in games when power of PCs will be higher.

there is also one more point that i would like to make here

this is a game that is meant to be sold to the entire world

so no matter what they'll do, someone won't like it

and as good as the GECK is, it's not perfect, and not everything could be done

but they have given us the tools to make this game into our own perfect game, or as close as it can be to it

so if you really don't enjoy the game, just learn how to mod, and make it what you like

Im using GECK to make my own mod but I asked here for mod that is hard to me to make. I started to mod NV few days ago so Im learning. I got few problems but thanks to mod friendly engine I can do my own mods without bigger problems. I played F3 and stopped because of lack to many things and I waited for proper mods, when they arrived I was playing/moding other games and I had no opportunity to get back to F3 Now NV moding is fast and many mods are available now thanx to F3 mods which are converted and many moders started fast moding and now there can be gathered some mods and put them to game and game got new look and proper immersion for more demanding players like me. I can adjust those mods to my liking with my moding experience which Im gathering now. If game is just for fun it looks at the first look, for example Borderlands, Unreal tournament, quake arena ect. Fallout presents subject that cannot be made for brainless fun. But developers making fallout put funny things in game which I didnt like but is there other post apocalyptic game like fallout? No so I must criticize this game but It not means that I am Hater I just want to put sense to developers mind but what can I do? they listen to MAJORITY which are casual gamers and modern games are simplified and they are commonly caled "dumbed down" If game would be to complicated then those casual gamers which are more than 90% would not buy that game and it would mean that they will not earn MILLIONS on that game and in other hand they dont need to work hard to make simple game. In this case I dont have fallout on mind or for example TES Oblivion which are more than simple game they are above average. By simple games I dont need to point out games cuz there is to much of that kind of games. But problem is that even in games more complicated they put things which are dumbed down and that pisses me off. Good news is that I can mod it on my own and they made helpful tools for moders :) That puts extra points for bethesda games. If there would be balance for arcade games and simulation games then I would not be so criticizing about modern games.


Lets stop arguing, there is no need to fight, I think that you are little above casual players so you shouldn't get offended. If of course you are not simple gamer :) are you ?

I got almost everything what I need to know about moding so I may start to mod game to may way of playing :) I will lose some time for that but moding is fun for me and when I will finish then it will be time for serious playing :devil:

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i am sorry that you think we are fighting, Cosm1cGam3r

we are just having a reasonable discussion here, at least that's how i see it


now, let's work this part by part

about what you said about the cell phone, that is not the same thing

your cell phone has a tiny computer in it, that analyzes power usage and such, and tells you how much power you have left

now, can you expect having micro-computers inside little cells of energy, that you just use and throw away?? i really doubt that

besides, there is another problem with magazine reloading, and that is that not all the weapons use magazines

and i'm pretty sure that opening your revolver, and checking how many rounds are in it, isn't something easy to do (as a mod, that is)


believe me, i consider myself as a serious gamer

i do play for fun, but not only for fun

i enjoy playing games like Fallout and Oblivion because of how deep they are, in terms of role playing and consequences for your actions and such

i find that all too many of the games today are truly dumbed down, but what can i say, people seem to enjoy blind shooting......


i did enjoy STALKER (at least for the most part, though it did have some problems)

and i have to say that in Fallout new vegas, there are still some problems with the ballistics

the main problems i find is when you shoot and hit an invisible wall, because the model's collusion settings are off, or for whatever reason that causes this

and it's true that the bullet mechanics here aren't perfect, but for a game that isn't a shooter, it's much better than you can find on quite a lot of shooter games (at least as far as i can tell)


you sound like a true serious gamer, which is my style of gamers, so i would love to see what you are working on


take it all the easy way, we aren't fighting :biggrin:

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