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FWE/patch issue.


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Hello, I am definitely new to Fallout 3. I just got the GOTY edition from a friend of mine. I found the normal game to be rather bland, so I'm modding it. Now; my problem.



So FWE, Fallout 3 Wanderers edition, demands FOSE. Fine. However, FOSE requires the 1.7 patch, and although I still have GOTY, it still requests it. So, I've tried installing it, and come to the same error which reads as follows, "The ordinal 5360 could not be located in the dynamic link library xlive.dll." Any ideas?

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i didnt have the extact problem as you. but i did have trouble with the 1.7 patch


what i did was install FOMM then install FOSE.

after that fose wouldn't load the game without the patch

i downloaded and installed the patch but the game wouldn't run. it just crashes to the desktop

here's what i did:

right click on FOMM, select properties, compatibility, disable the desktop composition for FOMM and then FO3 loaded fine after that


so maybe if you're not useing FOMM, just disable the desktop composition for the fallout 3 launcher


that may not work for you, because our problems arent exactly the same. but give it a try....

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