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Fallout Who: New Vegas Edition [WIPz]


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Hi all,


well, after much ado about nothing, I've decided to port across elements of my successful FO3 project, Fallout Who, to New Vegas.


But with a twist.


This time, you get more bang for your buck, and quicker. No rebuilding, no hunting down for parts. Straight forward and simple. With a tiny twist...


It has been rumoured that in the sands of the Mojave Desert, an alien chorus roars. In the dead of the night, in the light of noon, a silhouette merges into the dusts and appears and disappears. Caravan's have spoken of this legend for the past decade. Rumours of it's origins come from the East. Anyone's attempt to catch the treasure has been thwarted time and time again. Can you crack the puzzle and capture the Golden Fleece?




- Fully Functioning TARDIS from the hit BBC Sci-fi show, Doctor Who (Flight procedures, upgradable components and a customisable interior)

- Tweaked stats from the original version (Fuel, Fluids and Shields now based on a simpler, more effective system).

- More locations to land!


As of yet, I'm undecided as to whether or not to work on Matt Smith's variant or port across Eccleston/Tennant's model from the FO3 original version.


If you've been following my dev blog for the FOW Project, you'll have noticed I've learnt many things throughout its process, and thus will be modifying the project to suit everyones likes.


Fallout Who: New Vegas Edition Dev Blog


Stay tuned for more.

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Wow! Can't wait! I have to say, I'd love to see your version of the Matt Smith TARDIS, but I can understand that it might be easier for you to port across a pre-existing console room. Whatever you decide, I can't wait to see more details of this project as it emerges. The plot sounds pretty intriguing as well; I still haven't gotten round to playing The Last Child of Gallifrey for Fallout 3 yet, as I'm still ploughing through the main story, but I'm definitely looking forward to it. FOW2 though, looks like everything I want from a DW type game - TARDIS travel, the ability to operate the console, look about and enter and leave the Ship having travelled to various locations - something I can't believe hasn't been done before!


Anyway, best of luck with this!

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Hrm, my best idea for the interior would be an ability to somehow be able to change them after giving it some time like a refuel, letting it regenerate if you will. Just leave an option, or maybe have it linked to a quest where it gets damaged or something. On a side note, if you do do Matt Smith's Tardis, I have a feeling you know this but the full console schematic given in the Adventure Games might prove useful.
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Hrm, my best idea for the interior would be an ability to somehow be able to change them after giving it some time like a refuel, letting it regenerate if you will. Just leave an option, or maybe have it linked to a quest where it gets damaged or something. On a side note, if you do do Matt Smith's Tardis, I have a feeling you know this but the full console schematic given in the Adventure Games might prove useful.


Basing it off that :)


I'm going to port over Tennant's version as seen in Fallout 3 with a few tweaks (i.e. all areas instantly accessible), then over the coming months work in Smith's.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope you still read these forums, and I'm sure someone else has told you this before, but I was reading your blog a few miutes ago, checking for updates. That was for the first time in a while, and I saw the update from Thursday, I believe; it was the eleventh, it said. Anyways, reading the bit about your performance issues with New Vegas, I think I have a solution. I had a similar symptom about smoke and, in general, more than one or two NPCs. This is a problem everyone had in New Vegas, and I was fully prepared to abandon it as well. However, this was this infamous issue fixed by the popular "d3d9 perf fix". I used it as a last-ditch effort, and by god did it work. Made the game run better than Fallout 3, actually.


So before really giving up on it, I'd suggest downloading the variant file depending on your graphics card's brand, be it nVidia or ATI. Hope this helps, and good tidings in life.

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I hope you still read these forums, and I'm sure someone else has told you this before, but I was reading your blog a few miutes ago, checking for updates. That was for the first time in a while, and I saw the update from Thursday, I believe; it was the eleventh, it said. Anyways, reading the bit about your performance issues with New Vegas, I think I have a solution. I had a similar symptom about smoke and, in general, more than one or two NPCs. This is a problem everyone had in New Vegas, and I was fully prepared to abandon it as well. However, this was this infamous issue fixed by the popular "d3d9 perf fix". I used it as a last-ditch effort, and by god did it work. Made the game run better than Fallout 3, actually.


So before really giving up on it, I'd suggest downloading the variant file depending on your graphics card's brand, be it nVidia or ATI. Hope this helps, and good tidings in life.


Ahhh many thanks Jakkarus, I'll definitely look this up now. The d3d9 fix you say? And yep, I'm using an ATI Radeon HD 4530, so that could be the cause.

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