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DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System mod


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First of all i want to say hi since I'm new at this site .

I want to add the dc-17 to the fallout 3 weapons since it 's a very good star wars weapon and Im sure that from the people who have played sw rc they have aprisiated the wepons abilities .

in order to make the weapon and its attachments (blaster sniper and anti-armor) it took me 3 months. I tried to make an exact duplicate of the weapon that it is in game and inorder to do that i followed a rather complicated process .Firt i exported the static meshes of all 3 types then i imported them into 3ds max 2010 and exported them as obj in order to load them in to the brf editor (it is the tool that creates the brf for Mount & Blade .I did this because in the brf editor if the model is composed of difrent parts it asks you whether you want to separate them . Then i exported the parts back to max and started bulding the blaster trying to make it an exact dublicate (i even counted the vertises) call me mad but... after using both max and wings i managed to create the weapon .(AFter this very long and saimsure most of you will find boring i finaly reached the reason why I'm wrighting this ) The weapon was mad for jedi knight jedi accademy so i did n't detalide match ( like adding the hammer or some other details that you can see in firts person. About a month ago i bought Fallout 3 and theni desided instead of importing my models to jedi academy (not to mention that the prosses of overwriting the weapons (unforunatly you can only add lightabers weapons must be overwrited) to make it for Fallout .Thus i started adding many details like removable clips the hammer amd other details of the weapon. OUF this has been a long article and i think it is time to end it ,I have 3 main problems : 1 i can't find any working nif plugins for 3ds max 2010 2 i don't know what kind of material i should assign to my model 3 the biggest of all of my troubles; nifscope when i started making the weapons as stated above (far above :confused: ) it was for jk3 so it wasn't based on any falllout 3 weapon. the problem is that i can't find any suitable moddel for animation since i have to animate the hammer ,the clip and the triger . firstly haven't found a rifle with these stuf on ,secondly the clip of the dc 17 is on the side of the weapon and the only weapon with a clip that goes on it's side it's the minigun (not to mention that i must also animate the anti -armor charge whis is hand loaded into the weapon) if someone can help me with these 3 problems and especially with the 3rd one i will be forever in his/her dept .

Yours sincerely a noob (Alpha B A 7)

thank you for your time

7 out

Edited by AlphaBA7
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