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Problem using gamepad


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Hello, I have a most baffling issue.


I have been playing Oblivion for ages with a PS2 pad via USB converter. I use Xpadder to map the keyboard buttons to the pad.

However, when I came back to the game, pressing buttons on the pad are doing things that they weren't before, and its making the game unplayable.

The hotkey menu keeps coming up in play when I use the controllers D pad. Tell me, is this menu supposed to come up outside of F4 mode?

I need the game to read NO joypad commands whatsoever so that I can use Xpadder. :(

Can I edit the .ini perhaps to do this?


I hope this message is clear, and would be most grateful for any help. Thank you


Solved: I changed busejoystick to 0. Thanks anyhow.

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