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Faction specific karma messages


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Reading through the comments above i got three ideas not meant as solution to the "problem", just two new ideas:


1) The first post has a point: Stealing in the Correctional Facility should affect both your standing to the NCR and the Powder Gangers. From the factions point

of view you are stealing from both of them. There sure are other places, where more than one faction would consider you've stolen from them.

2) I imgaine that stealing from a faction without you being seen by anyone makes you somewhat uneasy arround the folks and your resulting behavior,

nervousness etc. is what actually lowers the reputation with that faction. This would be the logical explanation of how your reputation could be affected

without having been could in the act: It's you're somewhat reserved or nervous behavior that gives you away. But let me think this a bit further:

If you are generally a good person (with good Karma) this sense of guilt about yourself giving you away would be sensible. You feel gullty because

generally you are a good person (good Karma). But what about a bad person (low Karma)? Would he feel such guilt? Example: Some of you have

pirated stuff on your harddrive. When you got your first pirated stuff you felt guilty. Through time you aquired more pirated stuff and now you are used

to it. You don't feel guilty anymore. You're are actually at ease arround Steven Spielberg you sometimes meet on parties because you have no sense

of guilt anymore. Stealing has become normal.

Whats the expression of stealing having become normal in the game? Bad Karma! What is the logical next step?


The higher your Karma value the more you loose faction relationship when stealing from a faction, because of your sense of guilt toward that faction.

The lower your Karma value the less your relationship suffers. Being a bad person generally does make you feel guilty generally and specifically.

Bad karma protects you from loosing faction relationship (you loose less relationship) while good Karma punishes you (you loss normal or more

relationship). That's because stealing has a higher impact on the psyche of a good person than a person who's used to it.


One more thing: Charisma. Charisma influences how you behave arround folks, it can disguise your uneasyness arround folks you've stolen from.

Your guilt doesn't as much affect your behavior when meeting people because you're more in control of your behavior. You know how to play them.


One more last thing: Reading the skillbook "Meeting People" may have two affects: It lowers the amount of reputation loss when stealing (and not

being caught) while it is in effect because for the time being you know how to play 'em. OR: While the book is in effect you can't steal, because you're

feeling social all over. You try to steal and a message pops ups: You can't steel while feeling affections for folks.


Complicated stuff, huh?

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