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Is there a mod that disables followers from picking up other weapons?


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Even with AFT, where their combat styles are restricted, they still pick up other weapons. For example, if I have them as dual-wielding style, if that said follower finds a more powerful sword from a killed enemy or whatnot, it will switch to that weapon after picking it up. But thing is, I would much much prefer that follower to just stick to the weapons I gave it.

Is there a mod where it disables followers from being able to pick up anything?

I already tried the commands equipitem (itemnumber) left/right 10, which supposedly keeps that said item in place but they still are able to pick up a different weapon. I also tried to modav their carrying capacity so that they are in full capacity and could no longer pick up other weapons aside from arrows. Heck, I even unloaded a bunch of Ingots on them to make them overweight. But they still manage to pick up an item.

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