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Apocrypha 4 books room issue


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i come here because i'm currently encountering an issue in Apocrypha.


The book untitled "Chapter VI" doesn't appear in the center of the room.



I'm in that room, chapter V, where i have to put 4 books in their emplacements. So, that's what i did, and i placed them in their own emplacements.


So, i should get access to the 5th book, in the middle, name Chapter VI. But the fact is that no book appears...absolutely nothing.


I tried to reload another game, to restart, to replace the books 3 times, but nothing, still no books in the middle.

I usually have no bugs in Skyrim, no problems, only some lags for short times.


Have you ever encountered this bug ?

Do you know a console command to spawn the book or to take me to next room ?


Is it due to an active Mod ?

List of mods i have :

-SKSE (last version)


-Real clouds

-Climate of Tamriel

-supreme fog,

-convenient horses


-Dev Aveza,

-Realistic Light

-A bunch of Mods for items, melt armors, etc, with no influence on graphic effects.





EDIT : i managed to reach Miraak via the console command. The problem is that i can't learn the word Dragon aspect after killing the two seekers, and i can't valid the quest.



Re-EDIT : problem fixed, i tried many configurations of the books, and it worked with a configuration where all books were shifted by 1 to the left, toward the regular configuration. It happend that when i loaded an even older load, the stones were not placed as i saw before (graphic bug ?).

Edited by TheMajesticPony
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