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Request for New Forum Section for Minecraft


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Many of you have heard of Minecraft

A lot of you own the game or have at least played it

The community is growing more and more just like the nexus community is.

Also a modding community has appeared for it also (Myself included in this)

and a HUGE amount of textures have appeared



My suggestion/request

Basically it is this:

Minecraft Thread!

wth various other sub threads


- Discussion - To talk about the game and various tactics and also tips

- Link to mods/worlds - To showcase either your modifications or someone elses you think people should try (No reposts though) and to show everyone your world!

- Image section [Optional - Don't want to waste nexus space and resources] - To show everyone your Minecraft images!

- Technical Support - Fellow players helping eachother when needing help. There is no real support for the game besides another forum, it would be great to help them out here too. Although we can't help with general bugs with the game we can help out if someone is crashing or having problems with a certain texture pack



About Moderators


Now there is the possibility of not having enough moderators with the experience with Minecraft or the time to moderate ANOTHER thread.

It's not my intension to make more work for any of the moderators to do as they do a GREAT job as it is.

I'm not sure what Dark0ne will do about this but perhaps a moderator who does have experience could step up to the challenge.

But as a side note I'd like to just say that as this is my idea I'll be more than happy to take the responsibility to moderate the Minecraft thread (I mean I'm here basically all the time anyway!) as a "limited/temporary" moderator? Although personally the nexus has a fine amount of moderators as it is! :teehee:




Now I'm not asking for a Minecraftnexus, that would be silly.

I just feel this is a great opportunity.

The game is vastly popular and for an indie game its doing great.

And its only an ALPHA!

When the game eventually completes or enteres Beta stage imagine just how popular it will be then.

Naturally this is up to Dark0ne but I want to hear all of your views on this also.


If you don't know what Minecraft is then visit these sites to find out more:

Don't just take my word for it... Check out the topic already here on the nexus!

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From the secret shadows I've heard rumors there might be one upon its beta/release, hopefully it's true.

(Probably to distinguish the fact if it's durable till the release, being just a hype or a long during craziness.)

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Well even if it is a long during craziness and hype (Which in my opinion it is not)

It is certainly more popular than Spore is on the Nexus.

So really why not have a Minecraft thread if Spore is on the verge of becoming a dead thread? =]

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In what way does Autism have any relation with Minecraft?

And try not to make this into a "All people who play it have autism" topic

Because they don't, infact I'm to meet ONE person with it.

And this is a topic of a simple request for a very successful and very popular game. (And its an alpha! xD)

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