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A Simple Horse Mod: More Vanilla Horses


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Hmmm...It sounds as if that mod is exactly what I just made, lol. I'll have to go look at it. I know you weren't suggesting that to me, but it might be helpful for me to look at it anyway. :)

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Actually, I was suggesting it for you too, in case it would be helpful in any way :)


I don't think it spawns in more horses after they've been bought/sold, but maybe it will help in other ways once you get to look under the hood. It's awesome that you were able to whip that mod up so quick!

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Oh, thank you. I went and took a gander and it seems as if that mod adds 2 more stables and new horse styles. I'd be interested in the new horse styles and meshes, and how they got the dialog/npc/stable stuff to work on the map, but I think you are correct in guessing that they are no longer active.

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