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Beret Texture Bug and Mike and Ralph's Bug


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1st Bug:


For some reason the beret that Boone wears as well as the one given to me by Boone has a weird texture bug. If I look at Boone from a few feet away, the beret has a weird pixelated rainbow texture. When I get closer to him, the beret's regular texture fades in and looks fine.


2nd Bug:


When I try to enter Mike and Ralph's store, it never finishes loading and sometimes crashes.



I've tried validating the files on Steam, as well as disable all mods I had.


Mod List:




- Pickupable Bear Trap

- New Vegas strip Restoration


EDIT: Another small bug


There are weird white, pink, or black specs that flicker as I walk around, but not when I am in the menu. This happened in Fallout 3 as well.


EDIT2: Here is a video demonstrating Bug #1 and #3:


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What Are your graphic settings like?, Current graphics card/and or drivers up to date? Iv looked at the other mods and they dont seem like something that should cause this, so i can only assume its hardware, someone else feel free to prove me wrong tho
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What Are your graphic settings like?, Current graphics card/and or drivers up to date? Iv looked at the other mods and they dont seem like something that should cause this, so i can only assume its hardware, someone else feel free to prove me wrong tho


I restarted my comp and it seems to have fixed the weird beret problem. Haven't tried going into Mike and Ralph's yet but I'm sure it will be fixed as well since it fixed my crashing near Sloan. As for the flickering specs, I'm not too affected by it as I had to deal with it while playing Fallout 3 and have gotten used to it. Still would like some suggestions for fixing it though.


I have a GeForce 9800GT graphics card, 2.33GHz Phenom Quad Core processor, 4GB RAM(3GB used since I only have 32x Windows 7), 1 GB VRAM.

I have the settings set to the recommended settings, even tried lowering it a bit but it did nothing.

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The only other thing i can recommend to try is disabling URWL and MTUI one at a time and see if there causing it, although you said it happed in fallout 3, do you think you could type out your recommended settings menu, make sure to give me the stuff under advanced as well so i can look at everything
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