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Emotions based on status?


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Was woundering if it was possible to make a mod that would randomly generate a emotion both visual and with sound effects based on your status to give the character more life when idle (paning camara 3rd person) or roaming for example

1 (normal full health) a smile once in a while to replace the stone cold stare or maybe the character will dust them selves off or check there weapon maybe perhapes even looking around or over there shoulder or up in the air crack knuckles if weapon is unequiped.

2 (dehydration) maybe a random pant or sigh not to often or i can see it geting annoying wipeing sweat from forhead

3 (sleep) yawning once every 5 to 10 mins perhapes half opened eyes or even a quick head bob when idle even streaching

4 (hungry) classic stomach growl once in a while maybe holding or rubing stomach looking down at it when idle

5 (crippled limb /hurt) when nothings equiped maybe hold a arm in pain perhapes the sound of pain while walking onces in a while checking the wound when idle maybe even griting teeth close to death half closed eyes

6 (using aids or drugs) silly eyes goofy smile if drunk possible hicups maybe for physcho/slasher a war cry once in a while (recycle some sounds from within the game to match)

or heart pounding very fast in the ear

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They already sort of do this- kinda. When you sit down, for some reason that's when their expression sometimes changes.


I've been wanting stuff like this too but I think it might be outside of the game engine's capabilities.

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They already sort of do this- kinda. When you sit down, for some reason that's when their expression sometimes changes.


I've been wanting stuff like this too but I think it might be outside of the game engine's capabilities.

i understand what your saying but its nothing to fantastic maybe a head tilt here or there make me feel like a terminator :mellow: perhapes theres a way to script poseing like in fo3 but instead of choosing a menu a event would trigger the pose/animation/sound. As far as the limitations of the engine i would say this would be pushing it but isnt that the funnest part of moding :smile: if anyone thinks it possible please let me know.

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