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When playing steam-offline, does one still aquire the challenge-relate


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Hey all,


Stupid question but if I play FNV offline with steam, do I still get the perks from the random challenges when I complete them? :turned:

Anyways, thanks for any helpful answer :thumbsup:


PS: Just realized my topic name didn't fit in all the way.....sorry about that :rolleyes:

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Perks and special in-game achievements you get. However, as it's in offline mode you won't be able to get Steam achievements.



Ok cool, that I don't care about, just the in-game stuff :happy:

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated :thumbsup:

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I don't really give a rip about achievements or that. I'm playing with Steam set to offline and tonight, for the first time, I'm actually trying to play without an Internet connection. I'm in a hotel room and I didn't want to do the whole signup-for-internet service, I just wanted to play F:NV and it won't let me. It sits there at "Updating Steam .. " for about 5 minutes, then gives me the option to continue off-line (didn't I already tell it that??) and then hangs up again and I'm forced to Ctrl-Alt_Del and kill Steam. So I ended up signing up for the Internet service so I could log onto here and vent ... not sure if I WANT to play the game now...


Edit: Sorry for hijacking the thread, I couldn't find any of relevant threads complaining about Steam that I thought I saw here just a day or two ago.....

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