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BOSS 2.3.0 not working


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Anyone has Boss running?

Im on XP 32, fresh install of Boss 2.3.0.


Html log:

Error: masterlist update failed.

Details: Git operation failed. Error: 4294967295; Failed to send request: A mensagem recebida foi inesperada ou formatada incorretamente.


Debug log:
DEBUG: Detecting game...
INFO : Game detected: Fallout 3
INFO : BOSS starting...
DEBUG: Updating masterlist...
INFO : Checking for a Git repository.
INFO : Existing repository found, attempting to open it.
INFO : Attempting to get info on the repository remote.
INFO : Getting the remote URL.
INFO : Checking to see if remote URL matches URL in settings.
INFO : Remote URL in repository settings: https://github.com/boss-developers/fallout3.git
INFO : Fetching updates from remote.
INFO : Fetching from remote.
ERROR: Git operation failed. Error: 4294967295; Failed to send request: A mensagem recebida foi inesperada ou formatada incorretamente.
ERROR: Error: masterlist update failed. Details: Git operation failed. Error: 4294967295; Failed to send request: A mensagem recebida foi inesperada ou formatada incorretamente.

Detail: Im brazilian guy. Messagen "A mensagem recebida foi inesperada ou formatada incorretamente." means The message received was unexpected or incorrectly formated"

Edited by aliensheppard
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Same error for me. I have WinXP too; it work with Oblivion, Skyrym, Fallout NV.. but not fallout3, its seems like its cant create a new masterlist.txt

LOOT doesnt work neither

Pd loot does not work on XP


I solved the problem but still has the Error: 4294967295.

I just download the masterlist.txt from Boos masterlist URL location found in settings or boos.ini, then paste in the right location (Boss/Fallout , in my case) Then i moved (or delete) the directory where saves and .inis are (my documents/mygames/fallout)

Then run the Launcher to detect my hardware and run the game, its create new save files and .ini . i copy the old saves to the new directory.

Boss work and sort my mods but stil show me the Error masterlist update failed. but is not a real problem.

Edited by yomaus
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