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respawn rates of daedra/creatures (got questions)


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So I don't mind if daedra and creatures respawn in dungeons and stuff. that is cool.


what is NOT cool is that they respawn instantly.


I mean if I clear level one of a dungeon, and go down to level two, when I go back up to level 1, a new set of baddies is there. I could go through a load door, come back again, and all generics respawn.


this is just an annoyance with my current level 44 pc. but I want to make a mage and clearing a place out and then having to clear it out a again sounds even less fun when you run on magicka.


I don't know if MGSO had a setting for this and I did opt out/in.


it really gets annoying with cliff racers too cause I can one hit them it is like going on a picnic with gnats.


(I have the difficulty set to 82 and if I forget about the repawn thing when I walk out of a dungeon I can get slammed by daedra...


a fix would be nice. or at least letting me know if this is normal.



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