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Mod Request: No black? or Black to Any-Other-Colour?


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Alright, i'm sorry if this is the wrong place to request this. Honestly! i'm not trying to get on anyone's nerves or annoy anyone or upset anyone or something. i have a mod request that i think should be very simple, but since i know nothing about modding maybe it's harder than i thought.


Here's a picture to explain what i want, because i think it's easier for me to do it that way than in words.




Basically i would like a mod that does that. That changes the "black out" effect of unexplored areas to... well.. ANY other colour besides black. So it doesn't have to be the "sea green" of my example. It could be white, pink, blue, yellow, anything other than black.


i have a really bizarre (i know) fear of "black smokey fog", and it makes it so i can't play this game at all. i only got it yesterday (well a friend gifted it to me). Can anyone tell me either what file to tweak to maybe change the effect myself? Or a mod i could use that simply changes the colour of that "fog effect" to anything other than black?


Thanks for reading, even if you can't do it. Once again sorry if this is the wrong area to make such requests.

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