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NCR became aggressive without any reason.


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Here is my problem:

I ve got a neutral rep with NCR. I did several quests to them. Messed only with raiders, gangers and Ceaser Legion. My problem appeared in two actions - First time - suddenly, without any reason NCR rangers became aggressive when i come closer to any of them(even i wear a NCR armor)but if i holding some distance from them - they are still friendly to me. For that moment other NCR fraction was still freindly to me, even i didn't wear a NCR armor. I decided simply ignore NCR Rangers. And then, after a few hours of playing problem appears second time - all NCR members became hostile to me without any reason(because i just killing geckos and fiends), unless i didn't wear an NCR armor.

I tried to use console comand: setreputation 1 100 - for solve this problem but nothing happens. I mean yes, i get a "Idolized" in the stats, but sitution in fact didn't change. If i wear a NCR armor only Rangers will attack me if i try to come closer. If i put off a NCR armor all NCR members become hostile to me. Maybe there is a console comand that controls an aggressive stance of the fraction, or something like this?????

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Are any of the companions in this game hostile to NCR?

When your companions are with you you are added to their faction. Boone, for example, will cause the Legion to attack you no matter what your rep is with them.


I ve got an E-DE and Boone. And it is funny but when i came to the cottonwood cove with quest to kill all - with Boone and E-DE Legion was neutral to me. 0o

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I had this exact problem before, unfortunatly the only way i could fix it was loading back to an older save, the reason the rangers are hostile while near them evenw hen in ncr clothing is probably because theya re coutned as a type of npc that can see through disguises.
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