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Hardening Leliana


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Hey guys,



I recently tried to harden Leliana. To do this, I did her personal quest and talked to her at the party camp, where I told her that she just is that way, she shoudn't ignore that part of her personality (the hardening option).


Afterwards, I talked to her again to bed her. But she started the "soft" dialogue, where she told me how I was a gift of the maker and so on. Why is that? Can I somehow be sure she is hardened/unhardened?


I also tried giving her the mod item "tome of macchiavelli" that hardens the companion. But to no avail, I still got the "soft" dialogue...



Can somebody help me with this? I would really like to change her character this way...

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She is at approval 100. As I said, I already had the hardening-talk with her where I chose the appropriate answer for her to harden.


But in the following talk, she displayed only the soft dialogue:


It has been some time since I left Lothering. When I stepped out of the cloister I had no idea where my path would lead.

I walked where the Maker led me and... He has rewarded me for my faith. I found you. Approves (+2) (soft)



instead of the "hard" dialogue:

It has been some time since I left Lothering. When I stepped out of the cloister I had no idea where my path would lead.

But I must have done something right--it led me to you. To love. Approves (+2) (hardened)

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I don't remember one that talks about "ignore that part of her personality", these are the 2 answers that harden her from right after her personal quest...

"You're not slipping. This is who you are. (Hard) "

"Don't punish yourself for doing something you enjoy. (Hard) "

These are the soft answers in that hardening converstation...

"Marjolane chose who she became. So can you. (Soft) "

"You are a good person. You always will be. (Soft)"

If you wait until these choices are past, it is too late....Is that conversation you talk about with the "ignore that part of her personality" started by the conversation..."Do you remember our discussion? " If it is, that is too late and she should already be hardened by that conversation. I think you got some bad information on which conversation is the hardening one. Try the one I talk about, it always works for me...

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I am wondering if you have a conflict then. I don't have Leliana's new DLC yet or any other mod that "changes or adds" something to Leli except for a tasty morph of Dracomies I changed the hair on and put on her.


there is the possibility that you just got a glitch too. this game is buggy as heck. Sometimes the "spies" conversation won't appear for me and I have to go back a save or two... :mad: Is this the first time she didn't "harden" for you?

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It is my first playthrough. And the last, to be honest. i really like this game, but I do not have that much time for gaming anymore. I have to choose what I play and of course I can only play it once. Is there some file I can look into or modify (something along the lines of lelianahardened=1)...?


Concerning mods...the official DLC aside I got the storage chest, the big character graphics overhaul and a pack with new weapon models. I can't really imagine something of this has to do with it.

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You do not need 100 percent approval to harden Leliana, in fact it's around 30 percent or more where you can do her personal quest but you do need to say the right dialogue in order to harden her. It all starts at Marjolaine's house where it doesn't matter if you kill Marjolaine or not the first trigger appears. The dialogue you need to say in order to harden her starts at "What we're doing... what we've done--hunted men down, killed them--part of me loves it. It invigorates me and this scares me. I... I feel myself slipping." where she tells you about her conflict. The response that you must click if you want her hardened is either "You're not slipping. This is who you are." or "Don't punish yourself for doing something you enjoy." which can harden her permanently. After that you cannot unhardened her.
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the "100%" was a mistaken interpretation of the poster's original question where I thought that "soft" meant the kissing scene and "hard" meant....."sharing of blessings" I understood this error after they replied to my post and we started down the path of "which responses do the hardening"...both of which I had already posted correctly in this thread.
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