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Companion advanced commands


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I have been trying to find a mod that allows me to give commands to my companions, preferably in the the style of the remote commands mod.

These sommands would/could include:

-Companions attacking a non-hostile (Eg. For executions or the such).

-Companions look around an area in a similar way to Dogmeat for loot.

-Companions scout ahead for enemies.

-?Companions heal player with stimpacks?



If such a thing exixsts for even any 1 of these could you post a link, and if not I think it could be very useful.


Also preferably not restricted to "normal" companions, Eg compatible with sharing and caring companions.

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-Companions attacking a non-hostile (Eg. For executions or the such).

-Companions look around an area in a similar way to Dogmeat for loot.

-Companions scout ahead for enemies.

-?Companions heal player with stimpacks?


You could use Fallout wanderers edition, it comes with fallout enhanced followers which has improved followers commands and stuff.

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Or the stand-alone mod of the one in FWE is Remote Control Companions Plus. Works on vanilla and modded companions. As long as they're in the teammate faction, set as a team mate or something like that.

The readme explains it better :)


Although it doesn't have all of what you're looking for.

You can order a follower (or all of them) to attack whoever you want at any time for any reason. Or no reason. Patrol an area, send them to a pre-defined location with you or alone. Bring them to you from another location. (Mark and Recall). All sorts of things. I was only using the Mark & Recall feature but have started using the other things, like Patrol. That's good especially with multiple followers.


Companion Share & Recruit has some sort of thing where followers will loot for you. It's not as elaborate as the Oblivion version but it's new and different :)


I'd tried doing a similar thing in my follower mod, where he'd look for particular items and bring them back, or rather, keep them and use them himself, but couldn't really figure it out at the time so didn't finish it.

Some things in RCCP I didn't think could be done (well, others more knowledgeable than me told me it wasn't possible) but b3w4r3 did them, so I guess anything's possible if you know what you're doing.

Edited by star-mystyk
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