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The guys are "fixed" :whistling: Zev will still lay on the innuendo but no options for sex appear up to +100 - he's interested but that is as far as he goes. If Zev is fixed, Alistair the virgin prude is for sure. Now I'm off to find a titanium chastity belt for the ladies (sounds better than scrounging through code.)
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Thandal said...

Just consider that: "added realism!" :P


for a mod that is going to be with child morphs....I would call that "added creepiness". :tongue:

Yup, I was referring to this behavior within the vanilla game. :laugh:


All such is out-of-bounds within the special environment of RB's construct (but then that's why he has to go to such trouble, isn't it?)

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Well my last tests were "interesting." Not sure how this plays with some of the mods out there so I will need some input. I have More Detailed Romances in override.


Test 1: Morrigan, gifted to ~60 warm, flirted, gave her the mirror, now interested +82, flirted again, got a kiss but no cutscene.

Test 2: Put Luchaire's back in, gifted her to ~72 interested, flirted (no kiss option yet) gave the mirror, +92, got a kiss but no cutscene.


Question, have I succeeded with removing the sex scenes or is there another trigger I haven't employed? I so seldom seduce her.

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Well my last tests were "interesting." Not sure how this plays with some of the mods out there so I will need some input. I have More Detailed Romances in override.


Test 1: Morrigan, gifted to ~60 warm, flirted, gave her the mirror, now interested +82, flirted again, got a kiss but no cutscene.

Test 2: Put Luchaire's back in, gifted her to ~72 interested, flirted (no kiss option yet) gave the mirror, +92, got a kiss but no cutscene.


Question, have I succeeded with removing the sex scenes or is there another trigger I haven't employed? I so seldom seduce her.

It's been a looooong time, but I remember triggering the "It's cold in my tent" dialogue branch and getting the initial (vanilla game, first-time-only) sex-scene after giving her Flemeth's Grimoire, without EVER giving her the mirror at all (hadn't been to Orzammar at that point.)


After the one time, she went immediately to, "I said NO. If that's all you're interested in, then leave me alone." This was with NO MODS installed. (I know. Hard to believe I ever played that way, isn't it?)

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Well if the files I edited are the correct ones, romance won't trigger until any of them hit "Love" and with the other file I tweaked that can't happen unless someone finds a way to make approval go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past +100. I just need to make sure I got the right files for the ladies.


Was that the Black Grimoire or Flemeth's True Grimoire (the purple one)?

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I can get Morrigan to do it VERY early. Dracomies put such a savory morph out for her that I just can't help myself lol. I can't ever remember being able to do it before I give her the first black grimoire but I can trigger the "my tent is cold" dialogue without ever going back to Flemeth's, let alone needing the "true" grimoire. I do think her approval needs to be at least warm. I can't get the "tent" dialogue unless I have talked to her positively (or what Morrigan considers positive which ups her approval :tongue: ) at least once and given her the black grimoire. I have done it without the mirror too....although I might have already had the "took the mirror and broke it" conversation with her though. Then the next time I come to camp and talk to her I can trigger her "tent" dialogue....oddly enough with her "weird" personality, she will no longer "go to the tent" with you if her approval gets to 100.
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I loaded up an old save where she was at +82 warm and gave her the Black Grimoire, got a kiss for the effort, asked for a kiss again and that was all I got with her at +96 interested. I clicked on her again and my options had not changed. I'm almost convinced I have it beat but just to be safe I'm going to take the current save I am testing with and run it through the circle and try things with a lower approval to start. I don't seem to be getting the "My tent is cold" line and I am pretty sure that for that to trigger Romance must be active and between my GDA and the script tweaking it won't happen but I must be sure.
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yea, the romance must be active. I have never heard of her initiating the "tent" dialogue without the romance active.


*edit* the wiki says you can do it (tent cold deal) with a minimum of 30 approval. I haven't got it THAT early but I definitely can get it around the 35-40 approval level.

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