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That's cool :thumbsup: I'm still going to test it a little further just to be sure.


In other news, prostitution in Denerim has been eradicated. The esteemed madam of the Pearl has been transformed into a pussy (cat) and her dialogue is no longer available.


If the tests on the women work out, the only thing that remains is dealing with the DR and changes to dog (if possible.) I might do a few more characters if the mood strikes me. :yes:



Edit: And I have to make the starting headmorphs and saves because there is no other way to start a game as a child (for the non-toolset savy.) So that is a human male facemorph (pre-alpha version sucked IMO), human female facemorph, tweaks to the elf male for all plus tats for dalish, female elves plus dalish version with tats, and dwarf male and female (tats for commoner) and their corresponding saves for warrior, rogue and mage. Additionally, anyone have any idea why the kids don't use deathblows?

Edited by RustyBlade
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Well if the files I edited are the correct ones, romance won't trigger until any of them hit "Love" and with the other file I tweaked that can't happen unless someone finds a way to make approval go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past +100. I just need to make sure I got the right files for the ladies.


Was that the Black Grimoire or Flemeth's True Grimoire (the purple one)?

The Real Deal. Didn't really know much about the way things might work, just playing a straight-arrow PC. Came back from taking care of Flemeth, said "Here's something I found", and BAM, it's one-night-stand time! :laugh:

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Guess it is time to try out runscript zz_party_addgifts ;D



Edit: Took her to +50 warm with some cheap jewelry and a few discussions (including about the mirror.) Gave her the mirror for 20 pts. and +70 Interested. Gave her the Black Grimoire and asked for a kiss for my trouble (only got 9 pts.) +79 Int. Kissed her to +83 Int. Gave her the real one, +96 interested only, no sex scene.


Edit2: Circumventing the ritual cutscenes successful :biggrin: I have eliminated sex from the game. There is a kiss or two but I see no harm in that.

Edited by RustyBlade
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Are we still talking about a MOD with children , for COL?? (CryingOutLoud ppl) Even though i can't understand the purpose of a mod like this...just disable the romance option to begin with.No Romance.Rusty, I wish u could make a mod with ghosts, specters, i don't know.Children are a sensitive subject.Those of you having a Daughter-Son Understand...



P.s Like i said in another post (if there ever was one...) sorry about any language mistake.It's been a bit strange day...

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Are we still talking about a MOD with children , for COL?? (CryingOutLoud ppl) Even though i can't understand the purpose of a mod like this...just disable the romance option to begin with.No Romance.Rusty, I wish u could make a mod with ghosts, specters, i don't know.Children are a sensitive subject.Those of you having a Daughter-Son Understand...


Yep, I have replaced 48 characters in the game with children (including the party.) Turning off romance was a must and it has been done but it wasn't easy (there is still a chance of a kiss or two); it's not like there is a switch to turn it on and off and one script alone could not do the task - it took the altering of 21 scripts to remove it entirely. As for why I did it, there are many reasons - I did it for laughs - I did it for shock value - I did it because I and others want something completely different in the game.


My RL son is an adult now so I can partially see where you are coming from but this is a game, it is a fantasy, it isn't real - they're cartoons... How about this: "No children were harmed in the making of this mod." Many cartoons died but none of them were real people much less children :wink:



In other news: I will probably spend most of what time I have available today collecting screenshots of OMG - 60 morphs?! o_O Expect an Open Beta WIP sometime Wednesday :yes:

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Tomorrow sometime; I have a few things to take care of in the morning but it is all packed up, written up and pretty much ready to go. I would do it tonight but I have been at it all day and I would probably get it fouled up (would like to review the readme one more time with a fresh mind too.) Besides I deserve some rum, I've been good :whistling:
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