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A couple of things for those creatures of the night...


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I've seen a few robes and hood sets out there but none that are that great...the closest one that looks pretty decent i've seen is the assassins robe and hood...what i'd like to see is a robe that looks similar to the sith robe in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed(if anyone's seen it, it's awesome looking) and while I know that the robe couldn't likely have a hood attached by default i'd also like to a see a hood that looks like the hood part of the sith robe added along with the robe. The color would have course be dark black and the robe would perhaps look similar to the black scribe robe that is out but there would be like a cloak or cape that flows(or in the case of fallout 3, just hangs) on the back. The one black hood i've seen is a good texture but unfortunately it is just a black colored oasis hood and while the hood is good, sorry for the rhyme, that retarded tail that the oasis hoods have on the back of them make the character look like one of the seven dwarves...really dumb. Anyway it would be awesome to be able to see this and I would love to hear from anyone who thinks they're up to it...the suit would be called Shadow Robes and Shadow Hood. Or perhaps just Sith Robes and Sith Hood...either way I hope it can be done and someone would consider it as i've been dying for an outfit like that. Also i'd love to be able to improve upon the mod that has been out(the stealth underwear) but really even a new item that doesn't clash or interfere(can be seen) with chosen worn armor by tweaking the stealth. I know it adds a stealth field and a bonus to sneaking....but the shader effect(which I have tried and failed to change) is just really lame looking. It gives a very badly attempted chameleon effect on the player to which if we can see it only seems likely anyone and they're mother can see you too and anyone with half a brain could know something is there...i'd like the object to improve upon that shader effect and actually make you completely invisible when crouching not even able to be seen by yourself unless you come out of crouching while wearing the item. The chinese asssassins seem to have this effect right before they attack you and then even as they attack you they retain the chamelon effect(without sneaking) that you gain only by sneaking and thus I want they're complete invisibility for myself...if anyone knows how to do this as well and can do it I would be greatly appreciated beyond words...again thanks in advance for your time. :)
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