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Papyrus Compile Error with hearthfire scripts


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I added this line to a script I'm writing:

BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript property BYOHRelationshipAdoption Auto

and tried to compile it with papyrus. No luck:

Heartfhire_Menu.psc(26,40): unknown type byohrelationshipadoptionscript

after a flash of inspiration, i realised i had to add the hearthfire scripts subdirectory to the papyrus imports section of compile papyrus.bat. This sort of worked. My error is now:



Hearthfire\BYOHRelationshipAdoptableScript.psc(130,69)UpdateSpouseHouseInt is not a function or does not exist
Hearthfire\BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript.psc(380,69):MoveSpouseAdoption is not a function or does not exist
Hearthfire\BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript.psc(610,69): MoveSpouseAdoption is not a function or does not exist

I'm now a bit stuck as to what to do.

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  • 10 months later...

I was annoyed by this as well, so I have to raise the dead for reference purposes.


You need to place the Hearthfire sources BEFORE the vanilla ones:




For example, you can also choose not to overwrite the vanilla sources with SKSE one but rather extract the SKSE sources to a new directory and set this directory before everything else.


Lycos bait: "Papyrus compiler to recognize that SKSE is installed"

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