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Use more RAM


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For what it's worth, I tried the old trick from Fallout 3 with CFF Explorer. Doesn't work. Error code 451: Failed to Launch.


Oh well, guess someone will figure out another way.


Yeah I was dissapointed that it didnt work this time around, almost certainly because of Steam. Not that Im having problems running it on max settings/x8 AA on 3GB RAM on a 32bit system.

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32 bit Windows operating systems cannot use any more than about 3.2G of ram. Not steam or the game's fault, its a limitation of the addressing system. The game was designed to run in a max of 2G. If you have 2G or less Ram, then a part of that 2G must be reserved for the operating system, steam and everything else that loads when you start the computer. If you have more than 2G, most of it can be used by the game with everything else using any extra ram above 2G. A 64 bit system can address quite a bit more ram (128G) so allowing the game to use more, If you have it, will not cause the same kind of problems as with a 32 bit system
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Nitpicking, but a 32bit processor can address 2^32=4,294,967,296 bytes. Do the conversion mumbo jumbo and you get 4096MB, or 4GB.

bben46 is right, windows will limit what your apps use by reserving some for itself which leaves you with 3gig or so.


A 64bit processor can address... well, a buttload more.

Lessee, 2^64=1.84467441 × 10^19... 16 exabytes?

A lot.

Of course Microsoft doesn't want your $80 OS to be able to use that much memory, so they limit OS support. If you can afford the kind of hardware you need to use that much memory, you can afford a high dollar OS to support it.

Your board probably doesn't support more than 12GB or so anyway.

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  • 10 months later...

Nitpicking, but a 32bit processor can address 2^32=4,294,967,296 bytes. Do the conversion mumbo jumbo and you get 4096MB, or 4GB.

bben46 is right, windows will limit what your apps use by reserving some for itself which leaves you with 3gig or so.


A 64bit processor can address... well, a buttload more.

Lessee, 2^64=1.84467441 × 10^19... 16 exabytes?

A lot.

Of course Microsoft doesn't want your $80 OS to be able to use that much memory, so they limit OS support. If you can afford the kind of hardware you need to use that much memory, you can afford a high dollar OS to support it.

Your board probably doesn't support more than 12GB or so anyway.


I just whant to add, there are no physical barrier that prevent you from using more than 3,5GB of ram, IF .. you hardware support more than 4GB.


In windows xp 32 bit you can add /PEA switch at the boot ini file for windows, that will indeed pass your 3,5 GB limit, but its invisible for you unless your have software to use it.


Dataram Ramdisk can for free add up to 4092 MB of RAMDISK, and it will not use your reserved memory your OS is showing. in that case you can, after your got you ramdisk, up and running, use your virtual memory/ swap file on the ramdisk.


Just remove your swap file from your harddrive first before using a part of your ram as swapfile.

This can, as it seems, avoid disk trashing.


For newer windows, like vista and 7, i'm sure there are a similar way to do it, but i don't know it.


there are Youtube video and stuff you can find on google to guide you how to unlock more memory in 32 bit windows if you need a 32 bit windows for a special purpose .


My windows xp 32 says it can use 6364MB total of ram, and yes i do have windows 7 64 bit as primary OS ;) so don't call me stupid for wasting ram :D

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