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Trying to bring The Force to Oblivion


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This thread is mostly me asking for some assistance, but also, if things go the way I am intending, a small way to introduce a mod that I have been working on for a few days now that is my version of converting Force powers, from the Star Wars Universe (SWU), to being functional spells on Oblivion. I'm not creating new spells, or anything else from scratch like some of the gifted modders here, I'm just using what the game comes with to add a SWU flavor to the game.


Right now I am in desperate need of help in trying to make a merchant to teach the spells to the PC. I can make them look just fine, but I have no idea how I am supposed to get a merchant to sell spells, such as Borissean. I've already created the spells, from the Magic/Spell/Spell section of the tree in the Object Window. Yet, as far as I can find, there is no method to get a merchant to sell said spells via a container.


I'm not as new to the TES:CS as I seem, and I am far from new to computers (I've been building my own rigs for years now). I used to create all sorts of things for Morrowind, and I even made a mod that added a Green Lantern theme to the game. I never got around to posting it, though, because it was still a work in progress. I've noticed that skinning for Oblivion takes a lot more effort than it did for Morrowind, and I'm not yet ready to go down that road yet. Right now I am just trying to start with something that should be simple and basic. I've looked around on http://cs.elderscrolls.com, but that was no help at all in teaching me how to do what I am trying to do.


Can someone please either point me in the direction of an actually helpful tutorial on how to get a merchant to teach/sell spells that aren't scrolls, or at least tell me how to accomplish this seemingly impossible feat in here? I would greatly appreciate the help.

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To get a merchant to sell spells, you need to add them to a merchant's spell list. There are two methods of doing this and which one you should use depends on whether or not your merchant is a custom NPC. If you're creating a new merchant, just open his/her Spell List tab and add the spells there. If you're using an existing vanilla merchant, you need to add them via script to avoid conflicts with other mods.


Note: Merchants do not sell Lesser Powers or Greater Powers.

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