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Whats up with deathclaws


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Deathclaws are a definite "long-range sniper solution" enemy. Going in with a weapon that's anything less than 45 damage per hit is basically ensuring your death. Fortunately Boone's Hunting Rifle fits the bill: until I get something like an Anti-Materiele rifle I can give to my companions he's who I take into Deathclaw territory.


When I'm dealing with large groups though I don't mess around. I headed across the river to the Deathclaw Promontory and proceeded to get the entire "Day Tripper" perk right then and there. Jet, Ultrajet, Rocket, Steady, Slasher, Med-X, Psycho, Rebound, Nuka-Cola Victory and a box of Sugar Bombs to start, then more Jet and Psycho (mostly) as I made my way through the area, and STILL things were incredibly close.


Deathclaws really live up to their name this game. They are murder on legs. I'm still wary of them... without copious amounts of chems to back me up anyway.

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Brush gun with SWC handload ammo and cowboy perk burns up death claws even on very hard. They go down in 3-4 hits, on very hard, 1hko on a critical on normal, and its a really good vats weapon, and reloads fast. Its up there with the anti-material rifle damage per hit wise, if you got the cowboy perk. The only problem is the 45-70 ammo, not many places sell it in considerable quantities. So you will be making your own at the bench. The 45-70 SWC handload is Dam x 1.20, DT-6, CND x3, one of the better hand load ammos.
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I went in without enough ammo. Used up the sniper rifle ammo getting in and killing everything but mom from a distance. I wound up killing her with a revolver from the quarry tower. Even to the end of the game, they and cazadors remand something of which to be wary.
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Im Happy to see deathclaws back to their glory (Even though i never played the earlier Fallouts :c ) I like it this way in FO3 they are much too easy Although a Deathclaw still loses from Frank Horrigan =) (easily.. =o ) Deathclaws are a danger... they forced me to reload an old save... i was chased by one of them... Hid in an old truck... 6 more show up (on that compass thing) with only a pea shooter (varmint rifle) Leather armor and a few sticks of dynamite i was a goner if i left that truck.... Ahh the moments of running away from deathclaws... =)
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Idk if its just me but for some reason i dont stand more than 3 hits against these guys. and im at lvl 12 to 13 and they just kick my butt. :wallbash:


so idk if its just me being a moron.. ( probably) but if anyone else is having this problem let me know cuz its DUMB



Well the deal is, in FO3, once you got a certain level, Yao Gi's and Deathclaws just became an annoyance, right? That's what you got used to.


Now in NVegas, its a whole new ballgame.


These Deathclaws, especially if you are a wearer of light armos, are DEADLY. Hooray beer! (oh wait....that's another subject).


Yes, they will kick your butt, rip your head off your shoulders, stomp on your intestines, and throw all your bits to the wind like tiddlywinks. That's intentional. They are Deathclaws. You must deal with that.


For me being a light armor wearer, they were very deadly to me all the way to 30. I had to be smart about how I approached and engaged them, especially with a quest that required me to hunt them.

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Across the Colorado River, at the SE part of the map there's a path right beside the riverside.It's a good spot to have fun.


P.S. Bring lots of ammo and stimpaks!

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In the original Fallout games, Deathclaws were these huge, very powerful creatures that could shred a guy in power armor the same as a guy in a leather jacket. Fallout 3 nerfed them quite a bit, and Obsidian fixed that problem in NV. Deathclaws are supposed to be, basically, the toughest enemy in the game. Look back at Fallout 1. There was a quest where you had to clear out a Dclaw nest, including a mother 'claw in a basement. I remember taking power armor, and the most powerful energy weapons, into that basement, with two followers, and ended up accepting that at least one follower would end up dead, and I would have to use most of my stimpaks to survive. They were engineered to be the biggest, baddest badasses in the wasteland. It's no wonder they're able to smack you into next week, even with hardened power armor, etc. To complain about them being overpowered just shows ignorance of Fallout canon.
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