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Lost Vanilla Game Quests and ending


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After playing through the game with the usual mods on, I've come up against a number of problems.


1. After completing the Defense of Redcliffe I cannot gain the Blackmarsh or Chantry quests. The associated people are not there. I've taken off the quest mods that I usually have on ie The Bloodworks, Alley of Murders, Hilltop Under Seige, Ancient Elven Ruins and the result is the same. I've even taken off Improved Atmosphere and the other dialogue mods I have loaded and get the same result.


2. At the end of the game I have Alistair as king and my character is going to marry him. We go off kill the Archdemon and bang, Anora is crowned queen although Alistair is there and he acts as king and we discuss the wedding.


3. On entering Awakening when I meet Alistair he treats me as if we broke up and am not his wife?????


I have on ZDF, IRS, DT, Gatekisses and The Wedding, all modified to work together so am now at a complete loss.


I will install the game on my second computer and run through with the basics on, then add mods to see if I can diagnose the problems myself.


However, has anyone got any clues as to what could be the problem?


Any advice/help would be appreciated.

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Not using Ser Gilmore I'll organise a list of mods that I am currently running and get back to you in a bit. Having to go off line for a while so my son can use the internet upstairs for a bit. Thanks for your time.
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Have attached a document showing the full list of mods currently used plus any override changes except for mops and mors. There are a number of texture, mesh, dialogue, lotus, utc files etc that I've not listed. Most of these have been included in the mods loaded and had to be placed in the override file manually.


Hope this helps


Once again, thank you for all your help. I really appreciate the time you give.



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You have a list like mine lol. I notice that right after defeating the undead, the chantry and the Blackstone Irregulars aren't there. I just go into the chantry after "saving the town" and when I come out, they are there.


Do you remember when this stopped working? That is the way I trouble shoot...I go by date downloaded and work my way back until I find the problem. You can use common sense to weed out unlikely candidates too like .mors and weapon mods. That is a large list you have and I didn't see anything that "popped out" at me.

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Yikes :blink: That's a lot of mods :laugh:


Disable Leliana’s Song and Witch Hunt until you need to use them as they are known to cause all sorts of problems(uncheck the box.) Additionally disable any other dazips you aren't using (weapons, armor, etc) as you really have more stuff than you can use and since you are using Slinks I know you don't need gold lol. Keep all your character generation stuff (hair, eyes, tats, etc) and override items as they aren't the cause of your problem.


Improved Atmosphere may be conflicting with some of your other fixes.


Try disabling the dazips first and see what happens, if no joy disable IA. Hopefully that will get you fixed up.

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Thank you will give it a go in the morning. Don't remember when it started as I was having fun making characters and messing with the toolset, getting everyone to Ostagar and then did a bit of beta testing for a mod. Had a terrible time with it so uninstalled game and put everything back on checking that things worked in Ostagar and Lothering. Didn't think about checking at Redcliffe (doh).


Let you know how I get on.

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Okay, switched off all mods and loaded one by one (took off Event Manager). Found the culprit for Redcliffe and have uninstalled it.


Took off all dialogue change mods, however, Anora is still crowned queen instead of Alistair being crowned king. Is this a vanilla fault???


Should I now install the dialogue mods one by one to see if it corrects it? Should I run the landsmeet scenes again?


If loading the mods (I use Zev Dialogue Fix, Morrigan Restoration Patch, Improved Romance Scenes - Alistair, Dialogue Tweaks and ZevRing) which should I use as the "Master" and which should I amend to enable compatibility? (Although I use IA, I've removed the folder that changed dialogues etc so as to make it compatible with the others.)


I usually have IRS as the master and this has worked in the past so am confused as to what the problem is. Have disabled Witch Hunt and Leliana's Song as suggested.


Thank you so much for your time. You must really hate me, I seem to do these silly things every so often.


Thanks again

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Is Anora actually crowned or are you just getting the wrong movie? In other words, once the movie is done and you get to the ending celebration where you go talk to everyone is she to the right of the throne as you face it with no one else up there -or- is she to the right and Alistair to the left -or- is Alistair to the left with no one else up there? I'm trying to determine whether the actual outcome is bugged or is it just playing the wrong bink.


I know for a fact that Zev Dialogue Fix, Morrigan Restoration Patch and Dialogue Tweaks play just fine together without any adjustments to anything so you will have to experiment on your own with IRS and ZevRing.


I could never hate someone for asking questions about a complex problem (it's the stupid questions about common sense stuff I get from the dumba**es at work that really set me off lol) I like a challenge :smile:

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Its just Alistair. She walks up the aisle and steps, then its Alistair who starts talking about the Hero of Fereldan but in Anora's voice then there's no-one just Anora's voice asking what boon my character wants etc. When that finishes its Alistair and we talk like normal discuss wedding etc, etc and we then do the rounds of the guests and I meet the crowd. Cut to the wedding which is absolutely amazing I hasten to add and then its the end. The right slideshows there so you'd think all's well.


Go to Awakening and Alistair treats his "wife" like something he's scraped off his shoe, doesn't refer to her as his wife etc etc.


This is why I'm totally confused, certain things are correct other's definately not and Awakening confused also.


I thought the wrong scene was playing but its like there's two trying to overwrite each other. I've checked using a search and cann't find anything.


Helpful or just more confusion?



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