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Lost Vanilla Game Quests and ending


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You definitely had mods conflicting there and most likely earlier events in your game being affected by the conflict(s) have so fouled the plotline that the poor game doesn't know whether to crap its drawers or go blind. I'm not sure how far you would have to back up in your save load but Murphy being who he/she is I would imagine back to meeting Cailan at Ostagar would be the safest bet. You may be better off starting a new game with a significantly reduced mod load.


Do not use: Improved Romance Scenes and Fixes - Alistair or Improved Atmosphere with each other or either one with any of the following: Zev Dialogue Fix, Morrigan Restoration Patch and Dialogue Tweaks as I can confirm that they do conflict.


Use together: Zev Dialogue Fix, Morrigan Restoration Patch and Dialogue Tweaks - works fine


Use by itself: Improved Romance Scenes and Fixes - Alistair


Use by itself at your own risk: Improved Atmosphere


Sorry but your current game is... how shall I put this... http://www.miccofl.net/Smileys/sterb048.gif

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Ok hun, thanks for your help. I'll run her through again and see what happen's.


Thanks for all your help.



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