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What is the correct .ini to edit


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I keep seeing conflicting reports on what .ini should be modified. There are two in the documents/mygames/falloutnv/ directort. Is it fallout.ini or fallout_settings.ini (or whatever one has the extended name).


fallout.ini is read only, and whenever I make changes to it, the game resets them. Not to mention I have to make it non-read only, then revert it back to read-only after I make the changes. Is this the correct one to be editing? The other one is not read only... and it seems to contain the settings I make with the launcher...

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All of them. The default one in the actual directory, and then the New Vegas one and the Fallout 3 one in the My games directory


And yes. The read-only switch is necessary.


So wait, if I make a change to one entry, I have to change it in all three ini files? And then set the read-only one back to read-only?

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setting the read-only back on the fallout.ini didn't dent the potential problem of the Launcher replacing the Fallout.ini with an unaltered copy. I would suggest using this Batch file to go straight into the game skipping the Launcher, so that your changes won't disappear.
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