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No Nipples.


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I JUST figured out why I was having problems with my female upper body mesh replacer, and I just realized it's because the Oblivion patch removes the nipples on the female body textures... those sneaky little bastards.


Now I have to redo my Dremora female upper body texture so my Dremo ladies don't look like a line of demon barbie dolls. Cue cluster F bomb.

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Which "Oblivion patch"?


I'm having an issue with missing nipples on original races females. The nips are on Coreans and Ren's Elves, and TES4Edit shows my bashed patch is pointing to the correct hirez textures but those textures aren't the ones that are being rendered for original races.

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The Oblivion patch does not remove nipples because there are none in the vanilla game to remove :rolleyes: . They are added in a mod. and if you use the wrong texture they vanish on certain bodies.
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Actually no, the very original version of Oblivion had nipples on the female skins. Seriously, if you go through the original BSA archives, they're there. Beth just covered it up with a bra. :thumbsup:


But then the textures were modified to be barbiedolls in future patches when that darned ESRB caught onto it...

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Well, I solved my problem by creating a new .esp that uses copies of the hires textures and then merged it into the bashed patch.


Although they didn't have a specific esp, I still don't understand why the textures in the previous bashed patch weren't being rendered.

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