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No Problems, Just a quick question on OBMM


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So, I'm just learning my way around OBMM, and I don't have much in the way of mods yet. Everything is working fine, but I just want to make sure I'm following the correct steps before I get any further.


If I want to uninstall an OMod, do I simply need to deactivate the mod in my list in OBMM, or should I be deleting it as well? I'm thinking about replacing my PC walk mod with something else. Just wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything. I deactivated maybe 2 other things and that seemed to work. I just don't want to make a mess of my files.


Thanks in advance. :)

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Yep deactivating is working as intended. If it is deactivated there will of course still remain an omod file in whatever folder you specified. The way i handle mods here and i suggest you do the same is i have set up an oblivion mods folder outside of the original oblivion folder, where i put the raw material at first so to say. Then from there OBMM can load it straight into Oblivon. Activate/deactivate it with a simple click. And what can i say.

If you want to be very sure you can also make a backup folder of the original Oblivion. You will find your way around

after a time. No problem. :thumbsup:

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