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start-up problem


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after a mod delete from obmm (despite the warnig for meshing up some thimgs) oblivion wouldn't start neither from obmm nor from the original exe.

whiloe in default mode from the original exe (no mods active) i could just go till the main menu... when the save loads oblivion cras.

i have uninstalled completely oblivion and all its features (+all the mods), backud up my saves in another folder and deleed the saves and the hole oblivion file from my documents.

i also have uninstalled obse and obmm.

then i reinstalled EVERYTHING AGAIN keeping just the most needed mods (around 40).

BUT i STILL have the same problem.

so what to do?

should i delete every intel there is from the registry?


oh by the way after the original reinstalation and before the mod instalation oblivion worked...so what's going on??

is there something missing? wrong load order? total anihilation of my oblivion AND pc?

please help i'd be very thankfull...

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Sounds like kobolds. Can you post your loadorder please?

Otherwise one cannot help you. There must be some modification in it that crashes it,

if after reinstalling vanilly works fine.


Also have OBMM installed:



and run BOSS.


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