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Squares where there should be text


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i'm having a small problem,

i installed Aesir armor mod a few weeks ago and basically everything in that mod that starts with Ae is a square ( bit like this [] ) so all the area's in the dungeon, all armor pieces and the MCM menu say []sir,

it's not game breaking, i don't mind it so much, but now i have just travelled to Markarth for the 1st time in this playthrough and the silver blood inn is named [][][][][][][] (SilverBlood Inn), exactly like that on the entrance,

anyone know a fix ?

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Did you get the mod in the right language? You may try uninstalling the mod and seeing if the issue still exists - if it does, something else is going on - if it does not, double check the language of the mod. Some mods support other language alphabets and having the wrong type could cause this issue.

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