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Sorry to bother you guys but i am a newbie.

I have made a location with a prison in it.

My idea is to put various monsters in the prison cells , kill them and then when i leave the dungeon they respawn , say after 24 hours. I want them to match my current level each time. Anyone got an idea for a script?

Any help is much appreciated.

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By using the onload, you could do it.

You need to know the OnLoad block, and how the gametime (and days) work.


Then put in a leveled list of creatures. I think it's possible, but I'm not quite sure. Otherwise, you would have to put in a bunch of IFs. :)

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Prolly 72 hours. (In-game hours :))


Here's an example-script

short respawn

if (GetGameDay >= respawn)
set respawn to GetGameDay +1

Put it on the door :)


Oh, replace the dosomething with the healing effect you wanted.

You might want to heal and disable the monsters when they die.

And replace the GetGameDay to the right function :)

God, this was a lazy script -- sorry.

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Prolly 72 hours. (In-game hours :))


Here's an example-script

short respawn

if (GetGameDay >= respawn)
set respawn to GetGameDay +1

Put it on the door :)


Oh, replace the dosomething with the healing effect you wanted.

You might want to heal and disable the monsters when they die.

And replace the GetGameDay to the right function :)

God, this was a lazy script -- sorry.


If you don't mind having to wait 72 hours, you can leave all the scripting behind and tick the respawn box for every creature, like agent0002 said. Much easier ;) But if you really want 24 hours you could use GBHis his (GBHis his his?) script.

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