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Quite a lot of GECK meshes appearing as invisible.


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So I decided to start work on my first project for New Vegas however after loading up the New Vegas GECK and creating a new plugin, etc.


Now, I load a cell such as Vault 11a (entrance) and notice that there are a lot of unexplained 'holes' in the world with floating radscorpions and mantises' including the vault main entrance zone itself (Blast door room).. Now, I also try loading up another cell instead, this time Vault 22a (entrance) and to my astonishment there is *nothing* at all in the cell that's visible in the render frame. I'm not sure if a thread such as this has already been posted but any help would be appreciated.



Noticed the issue's been posted several times before with no 'fixes' posted, bah. /fail.

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I suspect they are actually THERE, but perhaps the wrong Shader flags have been chosen in the mesh itself? Could be, its happened before.

Not much you can do except wait for a NV Geck 1.5 patch or a new NV patch or something if i'm mistaken.

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